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Thursday, April 01, 2004 

True brain tap

I haven't written anything since Monday, so I think it's about time. Unfortunately, I have no topic. Which means I'm going to do a fifteen minute free write where I just write whatever comes to mind for fifteen minutes without worrying about spelling, grammar or content. These things are fun, but dangerous.

Fun because you never know where your mind is going to take you in one. Dangerous for the same reason. You might end up writing something that you really wish you hadn't.

For example, Brian seems to think that I am attracted to women that are in some way unavailable because I'm trying, on some level, to protect myself from being burned again. When he said that I went silent. Not sullen, but silent. Thinking about what he was saying, trying to prove it wrong in my head. I really couldn't.

Because it fits. All the women I've been interested in lately have been unattainable. They're in relationships, for example. Or I know them in such a setting that makes it inappropriate to pursue anything.

Very safe. Very frustrating.

Don't want to think about this anymore. Why did I decide to do an online free write? I'll have to make sure I keep these on paper from now on. Then I don't have to worry about what you think when you read them. But then again, why should I care what you think?

I spent about an hour today talking to someone about the CSA. She's involved in the insurance committee and our favourite idiot in student government had told her yesterday that the CSA was above the law and didn't have to submit a SRM form and blah blah blah. It amazes me that we let these people get away with the things they do.

Guelph has the oddest mix of apathetic and politically rabid people that I can imagine. Some people can't be dragged out to vote and other people live and breathe student politics to the extent that nothing else seems to matter. There seems to be very little in-between. Makes my job a pain, because the most important stuff is also that which most people find the least interesting.

*times up*