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Friday, April 02, 2004 

I have messed up dreams

I'm barely awake in my dream. I'm in bed at home, except it's not home. It's the Bullring too. There's a blizzard outside and, for split seconds, inside too. Two people I know are getting ready to go see a movie. I know them well, but I don't know who they are. I do know that they are a couple. They've asked me to come along and I'm being slow in getting up. We will meet up with friends at the theatre.

I finally get up in time to see them drive off into the blizzard. I'm annoyed and angry and decide to walk. Time skips and I'm halfway to the theatre and there's no blizzard anymore. I'm at the side of the road looking at a set of animal tracks that weave back and forth and go around in circles. They look like racoon tracks. My friends show up and they're eating meat oranges. There's no actual animal meat involved, that's just what they're called. They look like someone has taken an orange apart and stuck all the segments and pieces of peel back together in a vaguely brick shape. But that's how they grow. I look down and find a bunch growing out of the ground. I eat one and it's excellent.

We all get in the car and then we're at the theatre. Except from the outside it looks like my old public school and on the inside it looks like my old residence hall. We never make it to the movie. The dream ends first.