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Sunday, March 07, 2004 

I'm no innocent (Villainy Project, Assignment 1)

After hearing Ian unknowingly echo something tonight that Brian has said many times about me, I came to believe it.

Kiernan referred to me as one of the few people she knows these days that she'd describe as being close to a gentleman. (Thanks, by the way.)

You really don't know him as well as I do, Ian basically said.

Brian has said similar things, all amounting to something along the lines of: anybody who thinks I'm a naive innocent really doesn't know me as well as they think they do.

Villainy Project, Assignment 1

It seems to me that the villains I'm talking about don't give a fuck about what people think of them and what they've done. So, my first assignment is to confess to what I would normally never share. And as a result be forced to develop an attitude of indifference to people's opinions of me.

Confession time:

1. Let's start with something small. One of the reasons I'm so calm most of the time is because when roused, my temper is fearsome. Back in grade ten a teacher offended me somehow and I yelled at him.

2. Like most guys, I have a dirty mind. And before a year ago I had been in serious, long-term relationships for the better part of a decade. So sex is a topic I'm fairly comfortable with. If we haven't discussed it, it's because I'm assuming you're not comfortable doing so. The truth - and I'm sure it's a shocker - is that I'm a healthy young male who enjoys sex and has a healthy libido. If the fact that I appear uncomfortable with physical contact confuses you, consider this. I'm not actually uncomfortable with it. I just avoid it to avoid offending those of you who are.

3. I was a bit of a pyro as a kid. I made hairspray flamethrowers, played with firecrackers and made Molotov cocktails. A good Molotov thrown onto pavement will cause a surprisingly large mushroom cloud of flame to fly up (more than six feet wide, maybe). If done at night, the light thrown off is impressive.

4. Alcohol is an old friend of mine. We have fun, but sometimes it gets me in shit. A year and a half ago I lost a good friend because I got drunk off my ass (imagine $1.50 mixed drinks and $40 in your pocket that dwindles to $5 by the end of the night) and flirted heavily with her in front of her boyfriend. *Grins* I don't drink that much anymore. My rule is no more than three in an hour. That keeps me in the sane zone.

And if any of that bothers you, that's not my problem.

Wow, I'm not sure why but I feel slightly liberated after admitting the above. Like I no longer have this standard I have to live up to for fear of alienating people. Interesting.