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Thursday, June 01, 2006 

Thursday morning news scan

Weeks ago a young woman survived a car crash, but was left badly injured and in a coma. She's come out of the coma and it turns out she was misidentified. Now one family that thought they buried their daughter has learned she's alive and another that thought their daughter survived learns her body was buried under another name weeks ago.

Picture this: A car gets crushed by a transport truck and then drives away.

Toronto gangs show up in Durham, Barrie and Brantford.

Members of a Toronto police drug squad are going to court on charges that include extortion and assault.

According to a study by a York University political science prof, the bulk of the campaign contributions to councillors in the 905 region come from corporations.

BBC headline: "US forces kill 'pregnant' Iraqi". If there was any indication in the article as to why the word 'pregnant' was in quotation marks, I sure as hell missed it.

An isolated and unique ecosystem cut off from the rest of the world for five million years was discovered in a cave in Israel. Eight new species have been found so far, including one that resembles a blind scorpion.

If you read the story about the US troops killing the pregnant Iraqi and were intrigued by the passing reference made to the new "ethical training" troops will be getting, there's a full - if unsatisfactory - article about that here.