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Tuesday, August 31, 2004 

The End.

Goodbye Guelph, and good riddance.

You are a place I most deeply associate with pain and loss. Since moving here exactly five years ago, I've watched love die twice. Three family members have died. Every friend I made while a student moved away and out of my life.

To me, you are a place of farewells without end.

Farewell to you.

Tomorrow I move to Toronto. The city that has somehow been built up in my head since I was a child as a place of magic and evil. I look forward to what this move brings. But I dread it too. I am a creature of fields and forest and animals. Not of streets and concrete and endless people. Hustle and bustle and striving for success and ignoring your neighbour and living on other people's terms. Quiet desperation.

But at bottom, I dread the city because I fear I will come to love it even though it represents most of what I loathe.

I don't know when I'll next feel like or be able to post new entries. But I'm pretty sure I'll have the ability before the inclination.

This blog goes on hiatus as of now. The hiatus may last a week, or two or more. I don't know.