Thursday, January 12, 2006 

Models are so fake

Bigger breasts, smaller hips, better hair...

No wonder so many women have body image issues. These kinds of photo adjustments are made on a regular basis on magazine covers.

We visited the site yesterday in my digital photojournalism class.


Harm reduction approach to extreme alcoholics

This piece by Toronto Star columnist Rosie DiManno is an excellent look at the shelter in Ottawa that has been treating homeless alcoholics with small doses of alcohol.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006 


Karla will be released across Canada next week. (WARNING: The link is to the trailer.)

I'm currently too disturbed by the trailer to articulate an argument, but I think this movie is the film industry equivalent of an atrocity and I've thought so since I heard they were making it.

Saturday, January 07, 2006 

Lego Star Wars

Too long, but amusing nonetheless. As Christa put it, "It's worth it just for (the final scene) alone."